Cover For X12 - Skarda's Mirror

X12 - Skarda's Mirror

System: Dungeons & Dragons

Code: #9188

Type: Adventure

Levels: 4-14

Author: Aaron Allston

Year: 1987

Publisher: TSR

Format: 48-page book w/tri-fold cover

X12 - Skarda's Mirror

X12 Skarda's Mirror really is one of my favorite expert-level modules. The idea of the little pocket universe just really makes me happy in a D&D kind of way - it really, really does. The way Skarda has built up his troops and his base of operations is absolutely amazing. His vision for world domination is just straight-up D&D gold! Anyway - the module itself probably won't take that long to play - and there is more roleplaying that I usually like personally, but I like it here.

How would I change this module? Well - not that much. I would definitely take the suggestions in the module of incorporating some of the NPCs into the PC world in previous adventures. I know, I know - that takes extra work on the part of the DM. But I consider this a "campaign module". This module fits perfectly into the greater campaign as the characters are becoming major players in the Karameikos area, as they become bigger than just this area and prepare to foray into the rest of the continent via other expert-level modules.

How about after the PCs finish the module? Does the pocket universe really destroy itself? My answer is NO! The PCs get to keep this pocket universe for their own uses. It even already has a stronghold built! Now - where to keep this mirror is a different question - but that is OK. The mirror can't be destroyed by any kind of mortal means - this is an object created by an immortal. However - clearly the PCs don't want to be in the mirror when it is covered - they are trapped! However - let them keep it! It is too big to lug around in dungeons so they can't simply go around trapping everything.

Another point - what the hell happens to 3000 slaves? That is a large number of people! Their villages had been destroyed. They really didn't have anywhere to go. In one of my campaigns, the players had the awesome idea of using these people to settle one of their new baronies. They had kind of wandered around, never really settling down anywhere. So I had like 1500 (or maybe 2000) of them go start a new life in the new world. Hey - it was what they call a win-win in the business world! Instant loyal population!