Cover For B11 - King's Festival

B11 - King's Festival

System: Dungeons & Dragons

Code: #9260

Type: Adventure

Levels: 1-3

Author: Carl Sargent


Publisher: TSR

Format: 32-page book w/cover

B11 - King's Festival

B11 - King's Festival is a very good introductory module. While challenging for 1st level characters, they should be able to survive. The way this module is written is actually in 2 parts - so in reality there are 2 separate adventures. Each adventure should be completed in a single session by an organized and experienced group of players. If the players aren't organized or aren't experienced - well let's face it - everything takes longer to accomplish. The module itself first has the characters fighting through a band of orcs, then afterward has them exploring deep dungeons. I'm a big fan of single-session adventures - and since this module has 2 - well it is twice as good!

This module is an intro for module B12 Queen's Harvest. So stringing these 2 modules together will really give the adventurers something to do. That is all I've ever done with B11 - go through it and then move on to B12. When everything is laid out, there is no reason in my mind to try doing anything else besides following the course! I will admit that I've increased the difficulty of this module on occasion - simply because I was dealing with 2nd and 3rd-level characters that knew what they were doing. I want to give them a challenge - and also make the adventure worthwhile for their higher-level characters. All in all, this is an excellent module and the players should enjoy it as well. Nothing complicated, just attack and kill, the way I like it.